Our National Initiatives

LUX Photonics Consortium

LUX Photonics Consortium is an initiative by Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore; and is supported by the National Research Foundation. The Consortium serves as a catalyst and a networking platform to translate cutting-edge research in photonics into diverse applications underpinned by the value chain created. It aims to be a platform for the global photonics industry, to leverage photonics research and resources in Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) for industry and to create synergy to develop ground breaking light-enabled technologies.

Find out more about LUX Photonics Consortium
Separation Technologies Applied Research and Translation (START) Centre

The Separation Technologies Applied Research and Translation (START) Centre is a National Facility hosted by NTUitive with funding from the Singapore Government and Nanyang Technological University. The centre’s mandate includes bridging the gap between promising innovations in separations, especially membrane based inventions, at the laboratory scale, and industrial scale products and processes. Over the past three years, this centre has built up broad capabilities in membrane (both flat-sheet and hollow-fiber) fabrication at industrial scale, the design, construction and testing of elements and modules, and the design of pilot systems for testing in real-life scenarios. Since the infrastructure was built up, the START Centre has successfully completed several projects, both for the scale-up of inventions from academic institutions, as well as direct collaborations with industry.

Find out more about START Centre
Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC)

The Singapore National Biofilm Consortium (SNBC) is an initiative spearheaded by the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE). Funded by the National Research Foundation and hosted by NTUitive at Nanyang Technological University, It aims to foster synergistic interactions among Institutes of Higher Learning, research institutes, government agencies and industry to develop new products or devise solutions to existing challenges, enable technology translation within the biofilm and microbiome space and deliver economic impact. Spanning a wide spectrum of industry domains, the consortium has four focus areas: (a) clean surface technology (b) environmental monitoring (c) microbiome engineering and (d) microbiome assessment (tools & technologies).

Find out more about SNBC